Friday, November 18, 2005

Saharawi people continues its challenges

The Uprising continues
The uprising independence continues and the challenges by the Saharawi militants to the Moroccan oppressive apparatus in Layoune which confirmed to the Moroccan occupiers that there will be no peace nor stability before its departure and full idependence.In the morning of November the 6th 2005, there was a big demonstration at the Layoune III, avenue Boukraa high School, where Saharawi flags and anti-occupation slogans chanted. In the evening of this same day, another demonstration took place at the avenue of Bir Djedid, where the demonstrators are still chased in all the streets of the area.In Marekesh University Ghady Aayad, the Saharawi students organised a solidaity march from the Rights faculty to the Literatures faculty. The speakers denouced the savage oppression against the helpless people in the occupied territories. The area where the march was organised was sieged by an intense security apparatus.Samara:15/11/2005the students of the Lycee of the Saghya el-hamra and Wady Dhahab organised a protest in solidarity with the Layoune population who endures the sagave and unhuman Moroccan oppression and punishment. Independence, freedom and struggle slogans were chanted. The students were violently dispersed by the Moroccan security forces.the following students were interrogated:- Hamdi Ghlana Moulay Ahmed- Boulahi Mokhtar Hmadou- Ahmed Lebnine- Daowdy M´barekMany parents were called by the Morccan authorities in order to put pressure on them.

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